Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On "Reviewing A Manuscript"

I have to join in with the author in saying I'm not certain of my qualifications to review manuscripts! I do love to read other classmates work, although I do not know how helpful I really am.

When I bring a paper to be read and dissected for revision, I expect respect and honesty. I don't like it when people just say "this is good" to protect my feelings. I would rather be told if it stinks. I know I am far from a perfect writer so nothing you could say would hurt my feelings, unless you were mean to me:)

I pretty much follow most of the revisionary advice people give me, but it depends from who it comes from too. I have to feel trust towards the person who is doing the revising that they have a good understanding of English and of what I am trying to say in a paper.

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