Thursday, November 27, 2008

Extended Definition

The word I chose for the extended definition assignment was the word Tolerance. A few weeks ago a professor from one of my classes happened to use the word and bring up the point that most people view tolerance as a virtue. What it really means is you will forbear something, but you really see the thing that is being tolerated in a negative light.

For example, you might tolerate eating veggies at dinner but you hate them. On a grander scale you might tolerate immigrants but as the word suggests, you don't like them. It is an interesting word and it is true if you say someone is tolerant you mean they have the virtue of granting someone/something the permission to deviate from what you consider proper or legit. I pose these questions: Can you use this word to denote a virtue? Is tolerance a good thing, or should the word acceptance be a better word to promote?

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